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Breaking Up is Hard to Do... Especially When You Share the Same Major by Adam Lasnik


Girl accuses guy of just using her as a substitute for his Mother.

Sociology: Each claims to have been oppressed in the relationship.
Religion: Each prays for reconciliation and/or curses God.

One tries to bury the past, and accuses the other of trying to dig it up.

Theater: "OH MY GOD! Life is... ENDED... as we... KNOW... it!"
Biology: "You just wanted to get in my genes!"
Physics: Both resign themselves to the fact that what goes up must come down.

"Today was the end of an era. Jack, 19, and Jill, 18, called an end to their relationship of 2 weeks..."

Women's Studies: "HE did it!"
Business: Both decide that they're spending way too much money together, and that it's simply cheaper to be single.

Each party argues the breakup was caused by something the other party did in the past.

Geography: Both people decide to simply move far away to avoid each other.
Anatomy: "I never liked your body anyway."
Economics: One party demands more than the other can supply.

Each writes the other a perfect breakup letter, complete with introduction, thesis, body, and conclusion, that doesn't really say anything substantively intelligible.

Education: Both concede that the relationship was a learning experience.
Italian: "Mama Mia!"

"Man, this bytes — we just couldn't interface" and/or "His hard drive was more like a floppy."

Electrical Engineering:

 "It's just so shocking... I'm sure there are positives and negatives, but..."

Architecture: "There just wasn't much to build on anyway..."
Jewish Studies:  "OY! You should feel so guilty!"

If two people break up in a dorm and there's no one to witness the breakup, are they really single?


They were able to mate like banshees, but lacked sophisticated communication skills.

Physical Education: They punch each other out in frustration.
Chemistry: They turn to hard drugs to relieve the pain.
Counseling: Each urges the other to "get help!"

Each utilizes an operatic lament (or, in Tennessee, a country song) to express his or her sorrow.

Law: They sue each other for breach of a pre-dating agreement.

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